Dr. Tonya Lawson

Hi! I'm Tonya, a clarinetist who decided to say NO to the starving artist life and say yes to building a business that supports the way I WANT to live!

As someone who has moved to new cities/states multiple times and had to rebuild my studio each time, I created this course to walk you through exactly how I did it so you can book up your studio to waitlist status WITHOUT working 24/7! 

Are you tired of hearing your peers talk about their busy teaching schedule while you're still struggling to get more than a handful of students?

What also doesn’t help is that they don't teach you this stuff in school...


“Do some stuff for free to gain exposure…” they say.

“You just have to get your name out there….” they say.

“If I can do it, so can you…” they say.

Here's the reality though...

✓ Exposure doesn't pay the bills - That means working a 9 to 5 that you HATE until you get your "big break."

✓ You can't get your name out there when you don't even know where to start.

✓ You can't build your teaching experience if you don't have any in the first place.

You Need A Proven Marketing Strategy That Will

There’s a BIG difference between a Studio building course AND a Studio marketing course that helps you

So, imagine a course that is designed to help you ...

Nail down your niche - it's crystal clear and you've never been more excited to get started. So clear, actually, that finding students is a piece of cake. You are overflowing with ideas, and the best part is, the studio you are building is so aligned with your ideal student that people you have never heard of are calling you!

The results don’t stop there, though. Because you’re so aligned with their needs and ability to solve their playing problems, they’re booking lessons left and right - AKA you’ve reached waitlist status. I’ve seen it happen, my friend, over and over again.

Psst..this could be your reality.

I know you want to build your studio, but the problem is you lack a proven strategy that will help get you there. This leaves you feeling frustrated, defeated, and overwhelmed as you send out email after email, like throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks.

Even though you have a handful of students, the lack of consistency with how much work you’re putting in is starting to wear on you. Even after all those hours you put into getting "exposure," you still just can't seem to consistently get students. I see you over there wondering, ‘‘What about summer.....will I actually be able to make rent without working a 9 to 5?"

I hear your inner skeptic saying no, but the honest truth is it doesn’t have to be that way!

In fact, that’s exactly why I’ve focused on a course that uses the same strategy that helped me build a studio from scratch, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES!

Because, like you, I know what it’s like to wonder if you’re ever going to be able to grow a successful studio. Even worse… are you going to end up working in a bagel shop just to make rent? Don’t panic.

Those are no longer things you have to worry about. You’re actually minutes away from experiencing the freedom and confidence that comes with having the tools to build your own Waitlist only studio!
